How to escape a 2 hand grab | women self defense in Chinese Cantonese Hong Kong 如何鬆開被捉著的雙手

2019-02-21 2

ow to escape a 2 hand grab | women self defense in Chinese Cantonese Hong Kong 如何鬆開被捉著的雙手

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Master Wong and Natalie demonstrates a grab to the throat this time. A common attack for both male and female realistically. Watch how simple the technique really is. If Natalie can do it, any one can!
在危急時被敵人掐頸的脫險方法, 簡單易明, 女生們終生受用

Info about Nat Chu
A cheerful Chinese exercise-aholic blogger from Hong Kong who share tips on how to keep-fit, plus other things that she gets up to on her Facebook page.
Nat Chu Official Facebook’s page:

Learn how to get out of a 2 hand grab situation, demonstrated by Master Wong and Natalie Chu. Look how simple the technique are and how effortless it really is.

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